"Flugmaschinist" on board of the flying boat D-AFAR "Samum"

Franz Preuschoff

Franz Preuschoff started his career in 1927.
He retired from Deutsche Lufthansa on December 31, 1966.

"40 years
around the world"

Award of the silver medal for flying valor Cielo dell’Atlantico, 2 febbraio 1938, A. XVI

"Participated as a radio operator of a German aircraft in the search and rescue operations of an Italian aircraft that had to ditch in the ocean and was then destroyed by a fire developing on board, contributing effectively to the accomplishment of the mission. In very difficult circumstances he gave proof of an admirable serenity of mind and a high spirit of self-sacrifice."

Award of the silver medal for flying valor Cielo dell’Atlantico, 2 febbraio 1938, A. XVI

"Partecipava come radiotelegrafista di un apparecchio tedesco alle ricerche e alle operazioni di soccorso di un velivolo italiano ammarato nell’oceano per avaria e poi distrutto da un incendio sviluppatosi a bordo, contribuendo efficacemente all’assolvimento della missione. Dava prova, nella difficilissima circostanza di perizia di ammirevole serenità d’animo e di alto spirito di abnegazione."

Bibliography Der Lufthanseat, Nr. 97, Januar 1967

Nach 40 Jahren around the world
Franz Preuschoff nahm Abschied von der Fliegerei