Kurt Grosschopff became famous rescuing the Italian flight record holder Mario Stoppani after Stoppani’s plane crashed in the South Atlantic.
"Commander of the German aircraft, participating in the search and rescue operations of an Italian aircraft that had to ditch in the ocean and was subsequently destroyed by a fire developing on board, with rare skill and in spite of the difficult sea conditions, performed a dangerous ditching at the crash site to rescue the commander of the crashed aircraft, the only survivor of the crew. Admirable example of self-sacrifice, comradeship and sublime disregard for danger."
"Comandante die aeromobile tedesco, pertecipante alle ricerche e alle operazioni di soccorso di un velivolo italiano ammarato nell’Oceano per avaria e successivamente distruito da un incendia sviluppatosi a bordo, con rara perizia e nnostante le difficili condizioni del mare, effettuava un pericoloso ammaraggio sul luogo dell’incidente per trarre in salvo il comandante dell’apparecchio incidentato, unico superstite dell’equipaggio. Esemio mirabile di abnegazione, di cameratismo e di sublime sprezzo del pericolo."
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